In chapter two and three, I concluded that social marketing efforts in health and family planning have only been able to complement other initiatives and that on closer analysis, some of the most successful experiences in social marketing have relied very much on interpersonal communication and motivational effort by community-based workers and volunteers. The participation of the local community is essential. However a missing element in these projects has been the participation of the larger community: the mobilization of various support groups and the organizations to ensure programme goals are understood and accepted widely. This is the essence of social mobilization. A concept which I have outlined in Chapter one and for which I repeat the definition here:
Social mobilization is the process of bringing together all feasible and practical later-sectoral social allies to raise people’s awareness of the demand for a particular development programme to assist in delivery of the resources and services and to strengthen community participation for sustainability and self-reliance.
To some, “mobilization” has s very military ring to it and may bring to mind forced literacy and family palnning campaigns, or the collectivization of Chinese, Tanzanian or Ethiopian villages. As outlined in chapter one, the origin of the concept is not clear. However, adding the “social” dimension to “mobilization” implies an element of choise and active partipation. The terms has not been derived from the pen of the development philosopher. Rather, it has been synthesized from various experiences in health population, nutrition, literacy, and enveiromental programmes.
Instcad of worrying more about derivationsand cefenitions, it would be more useful to discover how the concept has evolved in the context of the of largest and most successful health programmes of this century.

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