National immunization weeks

BRAC assisted the government in five major supply-and-de-mand aspect of the programme.according to Abed et al.these were :1. assistance creating demand : BRAC health workers visited each household .educating mothers and fathers on the six deadly diseases and telling them to get their children immunized when the government health workers reach their...

The Iringa Nutrition Programme

the iringa region in Southern Tanzania has a population of approximately 1.200.000 the majority being smallholders in 620 villages. 168 of which were included in the original programme. the number of underweight children declined from 50 percent in 1984 to 37 percent in 1988 and 35 percent in 1990. Severe malnutrition declined from 6 percent in 1984...

The Tamilnadu Integrated Nutrition Project (TINP)

The project, carried out by the Government to Tamilnadu, covered 40 percent of the State’s rural population and involved 9.000 Community Nutrition Centre stafled by one Community Nutrition Worker (CNW) each. They were supervised by 900 Community Nutrition supervisors (CNS) and all were trained by 173 Community Nutrition Instructresses (CNI) at the...

Social Mobilization For Breastfeeding In Brazil

The experiences in social marketing breastfeeding practices in Brazil provides another salient example with lessons for communicators. A number of studies revealed the sharp erosion of breastfeeding practices and high death rates after weaning in children between the ages one to five month. the programme, launched in 1981, targeted a broad spectrum...

Other experiences in social mobilization

However, immunization is not the only programme for which people can be mobilized. I have sumamarized, below, other causes and means of mobilization which have supported the goals of child survival and development and which complement Epi. Making it easier to achieve UCI. In number of countries, experience with the promotion of breastfeeding practice...

Field worker needs assessment

Vaccinators were given training in social mobilization and flip charts and flash cards were created to support their discussion with beneficiaries. This kind of communication is crucial in getting people to return to complete the full course of vaccination. However, a national, qualitative Needs Assessment Study carried out in 1991 revealed that training...

The Future of Epi Communication

It is evident from the above that the Epi communication strategy in Bangladesh took quite a departure from what is usually understood as social marketing. The striking difference was the wide range of partners who became fully involved in the programme through communication and motivational activities. The process did not merely consist of planned...

NGOs and Other Partners

Many youth and service clubs contributed extensively to the programme. For instance, the Boy Scouts, whose leader was a senior secretary in the government, inaugurated their own immunization badge. The Girl Guides arranged to have their headquarters used as an immunization site. Rotary International joined hands With UNICEF and the World Health Organization...

Intra and Inter-Ministerial Collaboration

Collaboration between different ministries and departments is sometimes hard to achieve. In Bangladesh, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare asked its female family planning field staff to assist predominantly male health assistants with vaccinations. The involvement of the former was seen as essential for reaching women and children. The Ministry...

Corporate Mobilization

In Bangladesh, through the negotiating skill of UNICEF staff various corporate partners come forward to associate themselves with what they considered a popular social movement. Their realized that if their products could be linked with Epi, their companies image would benefit. The first to come on-board was Dhaka. Match industries, partly owned by...

Stars for Children

Partnership developed in one sector often lead to alliances in another. For example the editor of an entertainment weekly Ananda Bichitra played a major role in organizing a support group of entertainment stars who donate their time and images to assist the cause of children. Called “We Are For Children” its members posed for posters, addressed rallies,...

The Electronic Media

The support of the electronic media grew out of the links developed during the course of mobilizing the press. In November 1988, UNICEF commissioned a study by the Press Institute of Bangladesh on the feasibility of free commercial time on radio and television for child survival and development issues, with a special focus on Epi. The study entitled...

Epi And The Print Media

In 1987, when most of the service delivery was in place throughout the country, the Press Foundation of Asia, the Press Institute of Banglandesh and UNICEF launhed an introduction to EPI, creating a nationwide journalist network and encouraging an atmosphere of participation, learning and exchange. About the same time the DevPress project of the Association...

Social Mobilization for EPI in Banglandesh

In 1985, the government of Banglandesh realized an Expanded Programme On Immunization (EPI) was needed to increase immunization coverage levels which had only reached two percent. It is decided that a revitalized plan of action was needed if UCI was to be achieved. New, service delivery was put onto place in a stage-by-stage manner over four years,...

The Global Pragramme For Immunization

The global programme launched by UNICEF and the world health Organization to immunize chilldren troughout the world is the greatest public health success story of the 1980s. By the and of the 1990, over 80 percent of under-one children had received immuniozation for five deadly diseases (tubercolosis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and polio)...


SOCIAL MOBILIZATION FOR CHILD SURVIVAL AND DEVELOPMENTIn chapter two and three, I concluded that social marketing efforts in health and family planning have only been able to complement other initiatives and that on closer analysis, some of the most successful experiences in social marketing have relied very much on interpersonal communication and...


Negara tetangga kembali berulah dengan melakukan klaim terhadap kebudayaan kita lagi. Kali ini yg menjadi sasaran adalah tari pendet asal Bali. Mereka menggunakannya utk iklan pariwisata malaysia. Setelah mereka “mengirim” teroris ke Indonesia, sekarang mereka mau “mencuri” kebudayaan Indonesia. Mereka begitu jeli memanfaatkan situasi dimana sebagian...


Kukurangan air mulai dirasakan oleh sebagian besar warga bombana khususnya di Desa Rarugeu. Mereka memanfaatkan salah satu aliran sungai Langkowala untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka seperti mandi, cuci motor, bahkan dipakai untuk masak dan minum sekali pun.Menurut Kepala Desa Rarogeu, Andi Tamrin mengatakan bahwa sisamping musim kemarau panjang yang...


Bombana merupakan daerah penghasil beras yang ada di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Produksi beras mencapai 4 ton per satu kali produksi yang tersebar di dua wilayah yaitu Lantari Jaya dan Rarowatu. Tapi untuk tahun ini produksi beras menurun drastis karena disampaing pengaruh musim panas ada efek dari pertambangan.Menurut Kepala Dinas Bombana, Sirajuddin,...

Berpikir deduktif

Deduksi berasal dari bahasa Inggris deduction yang berarti penarikan kesimpulan dari keadaan-keadaan yang umum, menemukan yang khusus dari yang umum, lawannya induksi (Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia hal 273 W.J.S.Poerwadarminta. Balai Pustaka 2006)Deduksi adalah cara berpikir dimana dari pernyataan yang bersifat umum ditarik kesimpulan yang bersifat...

Berpikir induktif

Induktif adalah cara mempelajari sesuatu yang bertolak dari hal-hal atau peristiwa khusus untuk menentukan hukum yang umum (Kamus Umum Bahasa Indonesia, hal 444 W.J.S.Poerwadarminta. Balai Pustaka 2006)Induksi merupakan cara berpikir dimana ditarik suatu kesimpulan yang bersifat umum dari berbagai kasus yang bersifat individual. Penalaran secara induktif...


Pertambangan di Kabupaten Bombana yang tersebar di beberapa titik seperti SP4, SP6, dan SP8 serat SP9 menimbulkan dampak yang sangat signifikan terhadap kelangsungan hidup warga sekitar kawasan tersebut maupun yang ada di tempat pendulangan. Dampak ini berupa kurangnya air bersih yang digunakan untuk keperluan sehari-hari. Di SP6 misalnya para pendulang...

perencanaan komunikasi dan analisis pendekatan SWOT

Perencanaan pemasaran dari produk di atas adalah sebagai berikut:- Promosi adalah koordinasi dari seluruh upaya yang dimulai pikak penjual untuk membangun bebagai saluran informasi dan persuasi untuk menjual barang dan jasa atau memperkenalkan suatu barang dan jasa. - Iklan adalah setiap bentuk komunikasi nonpersonal mengenai suatu organisasi, produk....

Teknik Penulisan Berita untuk Media Televisi

Memilih Format Berita TV: Berita di media televisi dapat disampaikan dalam berbagai format. Untuk menentukan format mana yang akan dipilih, tergantung pada beberapa faktor. Faktor-faktor itu antara lain:Ketersediaan gambar. Jika gambar yang dimiliki sangat terbatas, reporter sulit menulis naskah berita yang panjang. Maka berita dibuat dalam format...

Jurnalistik Radio

DEFINISI Jurnalistik radio (radio journalism, broadcast journalism) adalah proses produksi berita dan penyebarluasannya melalui media radio siaran.Jurnalistik radio adalah “bercerita” (storytelling), yakni menceritakan atau menuturkan sebuah peristiwa atau masalah, dengan gaya percakapan (conversational).KARAKTERISTIK1. Auditif. untuk didengarkan,...

Psikologi Komunikasi

Komunikasi merupakan aktivitas yang paling esensial dalam kehidupan manusia. Kurang lebih 70% dari waktu bangun kita dipergunakan untuk berkomunikasi. Keberhasilan seseorang pun dapat dilihat dari keterampilannya dalam berkomunikasi. Kurangnya komunikasi akan menghambat perkembangan kepribadian.Komunikasi amat erat kaitannya dengan perilaku dan pengalaman...


A. Pengertian Media TradisionalDongeng adalah salah satu media tradisional yang pernah popular di Indonesia. Pada masa silam, kesempatan untuk mendengarkan dongeng tersebut selalu ada, karena merupakan bagian dari kebudayaan lisan di Indonesia. Bagi para ibu mendongeng merupakan cara berkomunikasi dengan putra-putri mereka, terutama untuk menanamkan...