MAKALAH PEMBERANTASAN KORUPSIOLEH:LA TAYAFAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK UNIVERSITAS HALUOLEOKENDARI2010BAB IPENDAHULUAN1.1 Latar Belakang Korupsi memang sudah terjadi sejak pemerintahan presiden pertama Republik Indonesia. Namun pada saat itu belum dilihat secara jelas oleh rakyat tapi perlahan akan terjadi dan akan menyengsarakan rakyat. Bahkan...

Communication as social identity

Roots of our field, we take a signitificant step toward understanding how organizing is deeply raced” (ashcraft & allen, 2003, p. 32). And this conversation has started. Ashcraft and Allen’s (2003) examination of the racial roots of organization communication, Warren’s (2001, 2003) examination of whitnesssinthe performance studies classroom, Cooks’s...


The analytic category of ritual can designate both formal rites and ceremonies, set aside in special place and times and receiving special degrees of attention, and the relatively more formal elements and characteristics of otherwise ordinary, everyday activities—all of the little ways in which how you do it matters: a handshake or an introduction...

Communication as ritual

In the fact that manipulator doesn’t really intend to establish the relationship of trust, closeness, and mutual care implied by the touch on the shoulder. It is therefore not sufficient to say that the buyer is responsible for not being duped. Rather, the seller is the responsible for imitating or initiating a relationship he or she does not really...


COMMUNICATION AS VISIONCara A. FinneganCommunication theory suffers from iconophobia. In a field whose oft-stated reason for being is to teach people how to communicate better, our ideas about what constitutes “good communication” depend heavily upon a fear of images, indeed, communication theory seems to subscribe to john dewey’s infamous dictum,...


MATERIALIZING(Arbi)Possibility of maintaining not only a verbal but also a visual record of events wherever a camera was running. Such material preservation, of course, enhances the possibilities that our representation of the present will be picked up, appropriated, accepted, revised, rejected, or reviled at some point in the future. They may, ...


Judith N. Martin And Thomas K. Nakayama(Salam)Conversations about race in the United States at the beginning of the 21st century reflect the contradictory status of race in society. On the one hand, the conversations seem to be ubiquitous-discussions of affirmative action policies in hiring and education, equal access to voting during national and...

Communication as Embondiment

Communication as Embondiment (Rahman)This chapter will be a discussion of two powerful instrument of communication, body and text, and their long and difficult embrace. By body , I mean our biological res extense the heat-seeking skin packages that all living human beings inhabit. By text, I mean whatever detaches the body from its message. We chiefly...